Should You Be Vegan?: Creates New Vegan Tests

Should You Be Vegan?: Creates New Vegan Tests

The vegan lifestyle has an endless list of advantages, regardless of whether they are ethical (less animal cruelty), environmental (reduced carbon footprint) or social (distributive justice). Contrary to the widespread myth of malnutrition, there are lots of health benefits, too. These include, for example, a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and hypertension. What’s more, by renouncing animal products, you automatically avoid even antibiotics and growth hormone found in meats and dairy foods. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to a balanced diet, as well as the intake of all important nutrients – as with any other diet. To test just that, has developed several test panels to monitor nutrient levels and look for animal-derived product allergies. Continue reading “Should You Be Vegan?: Creates New Vegan Tests”