Vegan Products at Continente in Portugal

With 519 stores Continente is one of the largest supermarket chains in Portugal. The markets are similar in size to the hypermarkets Walmart in the US. In addition to a large number of products of the own brand of the same name, Continente also stocks some items from rather rarely found brands. What we also noticed: Non-dairy milk is often reduced here! The price of the cheapest soy milk is about 60 cents per liter during promotion.

Ready Meals | Meat AlternativesMilk Alternatives | Cereal | Sweets | Other

Ready Meals

Vegan chili from Veg In
Vegan chili from Veg In

Meat Alternatives

Vegan burger patties, seitan and tofu
Vegan burger patties, seitan and tofu

Milk Alternatives

Soy, almond, rice and coconut milk at Continente
Soy, almond, rice and coconut milk at Continente
Oat, rice and coconut milk at Continente
Rice and coconut milk at Continente

Attention: The „leite e aveia“ milk on the left side is not vegan, but only contains oat in addition to cow’s milk. What a misleading name! 🤦

Hazelnut and coconut milk from Rude Health
Hazelnut and coconut milk from Rude Health


Vegan crunchy muesli from Continente
Vegan crunchy muesli from Continente
Vegan crunchy muesli from Continente
Vegan crunchy muesli from Continente
Vegan granola from Rude Health
Vegan granola from Rude Health


Granola bar with dark chocolate and peanuts
Granola bar with dark chocolate and peanuts
Soy yogurt with apricot guava flavor
Soy yogurt with apricot guava flavor


Chocolate spread from Valsoia without palm oil
Chocolate spread from Valsoia without palm oil
Soy cream from Continente
Soy cream from Continente


Of course, these were not all vegan products from Continente, but only those that caught our eye. Do you have any other vegan recommendations? Write them in the comments! 🙂

Here you will find an overview of all Portuguese supermarkets:

Vegan Stuff in a Supermarket in Portugal


4 Replies to “Vegan Products at Continente in Portugal”

  1. In the 4th picture, the “leite e aveia” one is not vegan. The name translates to “milk and oats”, not “oat milk”. It is a cow milk product, not a vegan alternative to milk. It was actually a semi-huge scandal here in my country when the product came out.

    1. Oh wow, what a misleading name! Thank you so much for pointing this out to us, we already updated it in the article 🙂

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